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第76章 对火星轨道变化问题的最后解释



Long-term integrations and stability of planetary orbits in our Solar system


We present the results of very long-term numerical integrations of planetary orbital motions over 109 -yr time-spans including all nine planets. A quick inspection of our numerical data shows that the planetary motion, at least in our simple dynamical model, seems to be quite stable even over this very long time-span. A closer look at the lowest-frequency oscillations using a low-pass filter shows us the potentially diffusive character of terrestrial planetary motion, especially that of Mercury. The behaviour of the eccentricity of Mercury in our integrations is qualitatively similar to the results from Jacques Laskar's secular perturbation theory (e.g. emax~ 0.35 over ~± 4 Gyr). However, there are no apparent secular increases of eccentricity or inclination in any orbital elements of the planets, which may be revealed by still longer-term numerical integrations. We have also performed a couple of trial integrations including motions of the outer five planets over the duration of ± 5 × 1010 yr. The result indicates that the three major resonances in the Neptune–Pluto system have been maintained over the 1011-yr time-span.

1 Introduction

1.1Definition of the problem

The question of the stability of our Solar system has been debated over several hundred years, since the era of Newton. The problem has attracted many famous mathematicians over the years and has played a central role in the development of non-linear dynamics and chaos theory. However, we do not yet have a definite answer to the question of whether our Solar system is stable or not. This is partly a result of the fact that the definition of the term ‘stability’ is vague when it is used in relation to the problem of planetary motion in the Solar system. Actually it is not easy to give a clear, rigorous and physically meaningful definition of the stability of our Solar system.



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