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大家在看重返84:从收破烂开始致富 夜夜生香 一步青云 四合院:开局嫂子秦淮茹 那年花开1981 官海沉浮之美人泪 官场:我重写了人生剧本 刚会五雷正法,整蛊主播上门打假 四合院:满级悟性,开局八级车工 重生96:权力之巅 
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The woman should prepare as follows

Put red packets in the quilt, usually two packets, each of which is 40 cents for the bed maker. The big wooden box is full of fruit, peanuts, sweet potato chips, eggs, candy biscuits, and clothes, shoes and socks when you see the man's parents, brothers and sisters in the man's side. In addition, the parents also need to give the daughter some box money (hundreds to thousands depending on the conditions). Because after marrying the man, the mother-in-law will open the box the next day, and people in the village will e around to see the excitement, The purpose is to see if the woman has given enough money for the container.

On the day before marriage, the woman will notify the man how many people will e to lift things the next day. Generally, eight or more men are required because the woman needs to carry everything to the man, and the man's room only needs to be prepared with an empty house. The next morning, a wedding procession was arranged for the man to go to the woman's house to wele her. The men had to go, including the groom, two brides (women), five to six gongs and cobalt teams, and people carrying things. They all went to the woman's house to have breakfast together, blowing and playing. After dinner, the woman sent off the wedding, with one man and two women seeing off the bride. The procession carrying things took a step first, and then the groom and bride followed with umbrellas. Regardless of the weather, each person had an umbrella, Blowing and beating all the way to the man for lunch.

After dinner, the wedding scene is also the most lively scene during marriage. The purpose is to help the groom and bride eliminate the feeling of shyness. Various programs try to make their body and skin contact, such as mouth to mouth eating dates, two people lighting firecrackers, kittens fishing, and ash picking. The more tricks, the better. No matter how big or small, they can make as much noise as they want. After the 1980s, the habit of making wedding scenes gradually changed to watching movies, videos, and singing.



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