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大家在看深海余烬 我在末世种个田 重生末日零元购,组建万亿避难所 末世,我能提取一切 末世寻宝:开局姐妹花上门来借粮 冰河末世:蛮荒中重启文明 末世天灾:囤积女神空间百亿物资 赛博大明 末日迷雾,我能连线未来! 我在末日文字游戏里救世 
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这点东西是objective of research,这段没什么实际内容给人看看也无关痛痒。

...The objective of this project is to develop an efficient, robust, adaptive, self-learning system by integrating neural mechanisms that govern dynamics at multiple spatial-temporal scales as learned from theoretical neuroscience...

顺便摘抄几句 more is different里面的段落,也是本书的指导思想:

A third insight is that the state of a really big system does not at all have to have the symmetry of the laws which govern it in fact, it usually has less symmetry The outstanding example of this is the crystal: Built from a substrate of atoms and space according to laws which express the perfect homogeneity of spaces the crystal suddenly and un- predictably displays an entirely new and very beautiful symmetry The general rule, however, even in the case of the crystal, is that the large system is less symmetrical than the underlying structure would suggest: Symmetrical as it is, a crystal is less symmetrical than perfect homogeneity.



For another example, biology has certainly taken on a whole new aspect from the reduction of genetics to biochemistry and biophysics, which will have untold consequences. So it is not true, as a recent article would have it (7), that we each should “cultivate our own valley, and not attempt to build roads over the mountain ranges ... between the sciences.“



The arrogance of the particle physiK cist and his intensive research may be behind us (the discoverer of the positron said “the rest is chemistry“), but we have yet to recover from that of some molecular biologists.



Marx said that quantitative differences bee qualitative ones, but a dialogue in Paris in the 1920s sums it up even more clearly:

FITZGERALD: The rich are different. from us.

HEMINGWAY: Yes, they have more money.


还是建议去读原文献,名字就是more is different。



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