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大家在看残阳帝国 变身锦鲤少女 斗破:蛰伏三年,开局震惊云韵! 四合院开始的旅途 名侦探世界的警探 美漫地狱之主 从海贼开始横推万界 我的精灵怎么这么可爱 全球卡牌之决斗怪兽 百兽海贼团:凯多的许愿神龙 
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rubbing 拓本

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集(collections of belles lettres):即文集、诗词汇编等(belles-lettres源自法语,意为“美好的文字”,指的是以纯艺术为主要追求的文学作品)



Debates about the Way had taken shape during the pre-Qin period when the lack of a political center permitted the rise of professional thinkers and diplomats. As these concerned scholars sought to persuade rulers of better paths to peace and good government, those unable to serve as officials often became teachers of disciples. These thinkers made the Warring States China's richest period of philosophical debate, a time famous for its “Hundred Schools of Thought.“ Of these schools, the historian Sima Tan 司马谈(d. 110 BCE) identified six that, thanks in part to his formulation, would e to have a sustained influence. In addition to identifying as schools the Naturalists 阴阳家, Confucians 儒家, and Moists 墨家, Sima invented the categories of Legalists 法家, Logicians 名家(“Sophists,“ lit., the “School of Names“), and Daoists 道家.





Buddhism, too, would soon contribute profoundly to debates about the path of right living. Originally from India, Buddhism became a major branch of Chinese thought, and Buddhist stories from India were among the earliest fictional works in China. By the second century, poetic renderings of the life of Sakyamuni Buddha and other Buddhist parables were translated into Chinese, and these parables and sutras (threads) became essential elements of the literary tradition.(The esteemed term for “classics“[jing 经] was also used for sutra titles.) Often synthesized with Confucian and Daoist ideas, Buddhist concepts of illusion, predestined union, karma, and reincarnation soon took root as folk beliefs; beliefs with especially wide appeal during the disunion following the collapse of the Han dynasty in 220. By the Tang dynasty (617–907), when a reunited China expanded militarily and weled broader dealings with foreign ideas and people, Buddhist themes and forms had influenced many major developments in Chinese literature. Understanding of this influence was revolutionized by the early twentieth-century unearthing of almost 40,000 manuscripts from a cave sealed since the eleventh century near Dunhuang in western China.



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站内强推大奉打更人 剑来 凡人修仙传 我不是戏神 疯批小师叔她五行缺德 儒道至圣 年代1960:穿越南锣鼓巷, 官家天下 魏晋干饭人 玩家请上车 不抢钱,我怎么修仙? 末世与国组个队,背靠红旗不怕累 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 人道至尊 透视眼鉴宝赌石,开局十万倍利润 长夜谍影 一剑一酒一乾坤 万古神帝 领主求生之天赋合成 六零,小知青夺回身体后缺大德了 
经典收藏这游戏也太真实了 自遮天世界开始 海贼王之梦幻征途 美漫丧钟 火影直播:开局剧场版鸣人之死 我在诸天影视捡碎片 疯了吧,你管这叫检察官 我在美漫变成光 斗罗土着 他比我懂宝可梦 快穿之疯批美人黑化论 从超神学院开始科技成神 无限神豪打工系统 斗罗之开局剥夺大师29级魂力 生活在全职猎人 我的替身是史蒂夫 美漫地狱之主 变身动漫姬 从超越柯南开始 绝世唐门:我的武魂是魔杖? 
最近更新影视综清穿从夏冬春开始 高冷总裁被宠哭,听话,要克制啊 偶像活动之星的传奇 未来识见笔记 小巷人家,卧龙凤雏的龙凤胎宝宝 还珠格格之香妃重生 我种了一株海棠花 半儿夏随笔 七月初二星期六晴 海虎:龙之归途 大唐帝国的辉煌与变迁 憧憬成为终焉魔女 拥有日月星辰 奸臣重生后将死对头拿下了 东京:被太太觊觎的我只想做游戏 魔禁:学园都市的替身使者 什么?青梅被我养成老婆了? 霍格沃茨的女巫 浅夏时光校园风 闲言碎语说梗讲故事 
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