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大家在看万古第一废材 女侠且慢 天人图谱 帝御无疆 混沌天帝诀 长生苟道:开局吹唢呐,送葬修仙 被关十万年,我疯了,也无敌了 赘婿 开局帝境宗主,无限合成仙人长老 异世争霸:开局召唤行者武松 
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This brief obstruction helped Wang Qiang's team secure valuable time and everyone climbed up the stairs to the second floor.

Keep moving up, don't stop! "Wang Qiang shouted, taking out a pack of high explosives and placing it on the wall of the stairs.

When Wang Qiang climbed up the fifth floor, a roar came from downstairs, and the building couldn't help but tremble.

Wang Qianglu looked downstairs and found that the destroyed stairs seemed insufficient to hinder the pursuit of the zombies. Therefore, explosive packages were placed on the stairs on the fifth, sixth, seventh, and third floors, and then detonated using a remote control.


With a sound of a mountain collapsing and the ground shattering, the building began to dance pletely. Yu Kuan couldn't help but curse loudly, "Fool, you will collapse the building if you explode like this. Haven't you learned how to explode

Wang Qiang answered while running, "I haven't learned it before

A large group of soldiers behind and in front of him cursed in unison, "Next door to the sleeping trough Nimarle

However, fortunately, there was no danger. Everyone successfully reached the rooftop, ran forward to the edge of the building, and looked downstairs with the help of the street lights that had not yet been extinguished. They saw that the neighborhood was already crowded with zombies. The number of zombies is as numerous as an ox's hair, parable to the grand scene of the imperial capital Xidan Market before the apocalypse, making people feel a bit creepy.

What should we do now? There's no way out on the rooftop, "Yu Kuan, shaking his big beard, inquired around and ran back in a fit of rage.

Wang Qiang pointed to a place in the distance where the black shadow flickered and said, "Do you see it? There's the giant zombie! That's our goal



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