那些家伙摇摇头:“We oniy sa a man escaping from our eyelids .”(我们只看到一个男人从我们眼皮子底下逃过去。)
“Nonsense , I sa it , too ,He's closer to you . Why did'nt you stop him ?”(废话,我也看到了。他更靠近您们,为什么没截住他?)
黑人男子一怂肩膀:“He as so fast that he hardly gave us the time to respond .”(他的速度太快了,简直没有给我们反应时间。)
“Well , you are not the man boasted to the Chinese shoudaoqinlai ? Why are you atching him run aay ?”(哼,您们不是吹嘘对那个中国男人手到擒来吗?为什么眼睁睁看着他逃走?)
一个黄毛家伙显得不以为然:“Are there any backup personnel behind us? Besides , e can catch up ith him right aay .”(我们后面不是还有接应人员吗?再,我们可以立即追上去结果他。)
白人男子眨了眨眼睛,立即吩咐黑人男子等人:“You continue to search the road . This guy passers by to chase the past , and ith the collusion of the man put his clas .”(您们这一路继续向前搜索前进。我们这一路人向那个家伙追过去,并跟接应的人把他合围。)
黑人男子等人不解:“Why don't e pick up the Chinese man by our passerby?”(为什么不是由我们这一路人去收拾那个中国男人?)
“Fool , you've lost one chance .Besides , our main goal is to get rid of that Chinese policeoman .”(蠢货,您们已经失去一次机会了。再,我们主要的目标是干掉那个中国女警察。)
“Do you think the policeoman is still at the back ?”(难道您认为那个女警察还在后面?)
“Hum , just becayse that man intentionally exposes a target to run aay ,Nothing more than a goal that attracts us . His purpose is to protect the Chinese policeoman .”(哼,就凭那个男子故意暴露目标跑开,无非就是吸引我们的目标。他的目的就是为保护那个中国女警察。)
“Is it more important to kill thar Chinese policeoman ?”(难道杀那个中国女警察更重要吗?)
“Yes, let's not underestimate the Chinese policeoman .She is knon as the oman detective ,Will pose a great to our boss and the entire customer base .”(是的,我们不要看这个中国女警察。她被称为女神探,会给咱们的老板和整个客户群带来巨大的威胁。)
其中一个黄毛家伙不解:“Since dealing ith a mere policeoman , Why use our best team ?”(既然对付一个区区女警察,为什么要动用我们这支精锐的分队?)
“Because she had the China poerful man protection , our boss had paid a lot of money . No the policeoman has been separated from the man , just as e set her good chance .”(因为她之前有那个中国厉害的男人保护,我们的老板才不得不下了血本。如今女警察已经跟那个男人分开了,正好是我们收拾她的好机会。)
黑人男子显然对女警察更感兴趣了,于是高声叫嚣:“So hat are e aiting for ? Let's split up !”(那我们还等什么?赶紧分头行动吧!)
白人男子一看手下人没有异议了,便把手一挥:“Get some action !”(行动!)