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第100章 卷33

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He tried to steel himself against disappointment. It would probably turn out that the box held nothing except an old laundry bill and a couple of mousetraps. Or Joshua Gumbril’s other necktie, if he had another necktie. It might even be empty. In fact, it probably was empty. Jake was positive that it was empty. He felt that the sound of his heart beating as Malone struggled with the tools would drown out the bined Army and Navy bands.


Malone had stopped fiddling with the tools and stared indignantly at the box.


Jake said, “You thugs ought to keep in practice. Can’t you get it open?”


Malone answered with a low growl. He took the rest of the tools out of the kit and experimented with them until he had tried them all. Suddenly he swept them into the desk drawer without bothering to put them in their leather kit, slammed the drawer shut, and glared at the obstinate box with a mixture of baffled rage and helplessness.


Helene cleared her throat delicately. “Try a paper clip.”


The paper clip didn’t work. Neither did a hairpin.

马龙说:“该死,如果我得下楼去向看门人借把斧子把这该死的东西劈成两半……” 他的声音在一阵含混不清的愤怒嘟囔中中断了。

Malone said, “By God, if I have to go down and borrow an ax from the janitor and split the infernal thing in two-” his voice broke off in an incoherent and enraged gurgle.


Helene sighed, picked up the box, and examined it. Accidentally she pressed the tiny knob just above the keyhole. The box immediately sprang open, jolted out of her hands, and fell to the desk top with a horrific clatter. Helene screamed. Jake and Malone both jumped.



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