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第135章 四卷32

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马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 三十二


Chicago’s favorite show place, the old McClane mansion on Lake Shore Drive, was a blaze of lights. From a little distance it looked like a house on an ornamental Christmas card. The afternoon’s heavy snowfall had left great white drifts on the lawn and outlined every cornice and crevice with a soft, pale dusting. The sky was clear now and brilliant with stars. Below it, Lake Shore Drive was digging itself out of the snow.


Helene stole a glance at Malone. The little lawyer was gray-faced; indeed, he seemed close to exhaustion. She wished he would tell her what he had in mind, but she knew there was no use in asking questions. Whatever it might be, he was, at the same time, excited about what he was going to do and unhappy over the necessity of doing it.


For all the weling lights of the McClane mansion, she shivered a little at the sight of it. Something unpleasant was going to happen, and she didn’t know what it was.


“I wish Jake were here,” she said under her breath, just loud enough for Malone to catch.


“So do I,” the lawyer said grimly. “If Jake doesn’t find the right luggage locker and arrive here with the contents in time, the whole show will blow up.”


They found Mona McClane in the living room, curled up on the chimney seat, her small, pointed chin resting on her fist, staring into the coals. Helene was reminded suddenly of a black kitten crouched by the fire, stretching and curving its paws and blinking at the flames, half hypnotized by them. The room was in semidarkness, the long windows still admitted the faint gray of a Chicago twilight, and only the fireplace and one soft light glowed in the room.



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站内强推大奉打更人 我在精神病院学斩神 这游戏也太真实了 疯批小师叔她五行缺德 参加恋综,这个小鲜肉过分接地气 天人图谱 官家天下 魏晋干饭人 灵境行者 不抢钱,我怎么修仙? 医路官途 没钱上大学的我只能去屠龙了 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 蛊真人 四合院:奋斗从五十年代开始 天海仙途 四合院:咸鱼的美好生活 领主求生之天赋合成 长夜谍影 万古神帝 
经典收藏十日终焉 海贼之进化果实 天才捉鬼师 纯萌新,这游戏怎么还不上难度 诡异世界:变成妹子对抗诡异 斗罗:人在绝世,悟性逆天 国运:双系统的我,消费就能无敌 沧元图 我在惊悚游戏里躺平 自带锦鲤穿六零 海贼之点化万物 开局选择观山太保,我签到修仙 人在超兽已成冥王加入诸天聊天群 柯学魔法师 说好的直播算命,你让水友疯狂吃瓜? 咒回之人形天灾她没有AC数 诡异降神师:我的娃娃真能显灵 我三岁半,靠普攻在规则怪谈封神 原神之璃月奉香人 你都几万岁了,规则怪谈才三千岁 
最近更新杀出重围:我在死亡游戏有套房 惊!牛头他来自人间 月隐苍海之冥界使者 包青天之邪案 墓碑石 749局:第九调查处 盗墓:她来自古武世界 盗墓之千年疑云 民间诡闻实录 我,鬼王之体,却成了最强术士 弥留之境 精神病出院,开灵车,住凶宅 绮丽诱心 法则之王 我是东北的出马仙 游夜之王 酆都门 无限:精神病女主她杀疯了 云顶鬼墓寻踪 35路末班车的冤魂复仇 
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