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2 Description of the numerical integrations


2.3 Numerical method

We utilize a second-order Wisdom–Holman symplectic map as our main integration method (Wisdom Holman 1991; Kinoshita, Yoshida Nakai 1991) with a special start-up procedure to reduce the truncation error of angle variables,‘warm start’(Saha Tremaine 1992, 1994).

The stepsize for the numerical integrations is 8 d throughout all integrations of the nine planets (N±1,2,3), which is about 1/11 of the orbital period of the innermost planet (Mercury). As for the determination of stepsize, we partly follow the previous numerical integration of all nine planets in Sussman Wisdom (1988, 7.2 d) and Saha Tremaine (1994, 225/32 d). We rounded the decimal part of the their stepsizes to 8 to make the stepsize a multiple of 2 in order to reduce the accumulation of round-off error in the putation processes. In relation to this, Wisdom Holman (1991) performed numerical integrations of the outer five planetary orbits using the symplectic map with a stepsize of 400 d, 1/10.83 of the orbital period of Jupiter. Their result seems to be accurate enough, which partly justifies our method of determining the stepsize. However, since the eccentricity of Jupiter (~0.05) is much smaller than that of Mercury (~0.2), we need some care when we pare these integrations simply in terms of stepsizes.

In the integration of the outer five planets (F±), we fixed the stepsize at 400 d.

We adopt Gauss' f and g functions in the symplectic map together with the third-order Halley method (Danby 1992) as a solver for Kepler equations. The number of maximum iterations we set in Halley's method is 15, but they never reached the maximum in any of our integrations.

The interval of the data output is 200 000 d (~547 yr) for the calculations of all nine planets (N±1,2,3), and about 8000 000 d (~21 903 yr) for the integration of the outer five planets (F±).



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