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大家在看我在精神病院学斩神 重返84:从收破烂开始致富 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 反派:截胡师姐后,主角崩溃了 四合院之无敌签到系统 穿越四合院之开局落户四合院 权欲:从乡镇到省委大院 重生特摄时代 四合院:开局62年,十级技术员 四合院:打猎在1962 
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Ran Qiuye did not understand. It was estimated that 80 or 90 percent of the stories were true, but she was a teacher and could not ignore the students in her class.

"Well, don't worry, Jia Terrier's mother. Let Jia Terrier rest at home for a few days. I'll take you to the principal and react with him.

Ran Qiuye got up with Qinhuai Ru went to the principal's office.

Principal Zhang saw Miss Ran e in with a woman and beckon them to sit down. "Miss Ran, what's the matter?"

Ran Qiuye told the whole story and asked the headmaster what to do.

President Zhang still has some impression on the rod Terrier family. Of course, it is not a good impression. Every year, there is always the name Jia Terrier.

"Jia Terrier's mother, you can rest assured that the school will take care of this matter. Such a big thing happened to students at school, our school is bound to help you solve this problem.

But I still want to say, home education also have to keep up with ah, children naughty is a small matter, but can not develop the habit of petty theft, this for children's education can be taken seriously ah."

President Zhang had seen much of the world, and from these few words he guessed that the stick was not a fuel-saving light at home. Nine times out of ten, it was true. He took the opportunity to beat it.

Qinhuai Ru which tube speak, repeatedly nod, ensure to go back to educate their children.

Zhang saw two people out, the principal called the guard, let the security to a trip.

After a while two security guards knocked on the door, the principal Zhang said it again, asked them to two days after school, must carefully observe, see what suspicious people take down, or to give students parents an account.

Different from Jia's trouble, He Yuzhu now but Meng is very, looking at the smiling face of Director Li, he felt how the world suddenly changed so fast, let him a little off-guard.



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