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大家在看我在精神病院学斩神 重返84:从收破烂开始致富 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 夜夜生香 重返1987 一步青云 从前有座镇妖关 院士重生:回到1975当知青 四合院:咸鱼的美好生活 权欲:从乡镇到省委大院 
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It starts about an hour ago.

He Yuzhu skillfully squeezed a pinch of tea, filled with hot water, and crossed his legs. This day, the gods did not change.

"Boom, boom, boom."

"Come in, please."

Knock on the door interrupted He Yuzhu leisurely life, looking at the door to e in, his head rose a few question marks, who is this ah.

"Director He, I'm Ma Ma. Director Li asks you to e here. Is it convenient for you now?"

He Yuzhu looked at his smiling face wrinkled, immediately feel cold back, this should be a weasel to chicken New Year, Director Li can call himself why, a look is uneasy good.

"I'm fine now. Let's go. Don't keep Director Li waiting." He Yuzhu ready to see the move open move, see Li director gourd in the end to sell what medicine.

"Come in, please."

Secretary Ma opened the door, "Director Li, Director He is ing." Then he went out and closed the door. Only He Yuzhu and Director Li were left in the room.

Director Li stood up and quickly came to hold He Yuzhu's hand, "The rain column is ing ah, sit down, drink what tea, I pour for you."

He Yuzhu suddenly felt a goosebumps all fell on the ground, this is still the director Li and his right, he is not taking the wrong medicine today, how big the attitude change.

"No, no, Director Li, just help yourself. You sit down. I'll do it myself."

Director Li still gave He Yuzhu poured a cup of tea, he sat back, "Rain pillar, don't abandon ah, I also don't what good tea, today will do it."

He Yuzhu waved his hand without speaking, looking at Director Li to see what he wanted to do.

Director Li picked up the teacup, gently blew on it for a few breaths, took a delicious sip, and said nonchalantly, "Is Minister xx OK? I heard some time ago that he was feeling a little sick. Now he should be all right."



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站内强推遮天 疯批小师叔她五行缺德 灵境行者 灯花笑 这游戏也太真实了 我在精神病院学斩神 十日终焉 儒道至圣 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 开局就被赶出豪门 大奉打更人 从前有座镇妖关 相亲相出个总裁妹妹 快穿:在年代世界悠闲生活 恰在人间 万古神帝 长夜谍影 深海余烬 万古第一废材 死亡十万次,我在诡异世界封神 
经典收藏我在精神病院学斩神 官场:分手后,我转身考上省组部 重返84:从收破烂开始致富 港片:穿越洪兴,你让我做善事? 反派:截胡师姐后,主角崩溃了 全球异能:开局觉醒紫霄神雷 你一个交警,抢刑侦的案子合适吗 四合院的钓鱼佬 重生香江之最强大亨 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 重返1987 神豪:开局十连抽亿万奖励 官场:我重写了人生剧本 娱乐:国内大花小花全拿下 四合院:开局嫂子秦淮茹 警察叔叔快查他!他不像是演的! 从四合院到港岛大亨 开局吞噬技能,我直接顶级天赋 娱乐:这个外卖小哥,技能有点多 重生1995之商娱帝国 
最近更新穿越异世,一战成名 我一个护林员,养点动物很正常吧 代号:清道夫 逆鳞重归 率土之滨:先天直播圣体 重生之穿越到后宫 娱乐:演戏不成,目标首富 恐怖末世,我转职为SSSS天师 契约召唤兽 天地逍遥之追妻路 雇佣兵小队:神兽 系统:我被迫当上了无敌学霸 大龄剩女的黄金期 美容院男老板的富婆女友 一元变一万,谁还做舔狗啊 游戏选项睿智?我开局篡改选项! 修行不老实,师娘赶我下山祸害师姐! 笑我华夏无神?开局大帝守国门! 奔现当天,你提通缉犯上门赴约? 世间恶魔皆为我所创 
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