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大家在看重返1987 神豪:开局十连抽亿万奖励 重生香江之最强大亨 四合院之无敌签到系统 四合院:垂钓诸天万物 老婆初恋回来续旧情,兵王要离婚 北美悍警:从洛城巡警开始 开局吞噬技能,我直接顶级天赋 重生后,我成了省委书记的女婿 大小姐偷偷给我生个娃 
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Recently, I heard from my father-in-law that the minister appreciates a cook in a rolling mill. On second thought, this is not He Yuzhu. After a few days of not seeing him, He established such a good relationship with the leader.

Big leader is half a level higher than his father-in-law, is also the old leader of Lao Yang, otherwise he would have brought down Lao Yang, which also need to be the second in mand.

"So ah, rain pillar you really good luck, can get the minister's appreciation, it seems that your future is unlimited ah, developed in the future don't forget elder brother ah."

"Hey, Director Li, what are you talking about? I'm just a cook and I don't have much ambition. I like drinking tea and reading newspapers.

Big leaders also often scold me unambitious, small wealth, but no way ah, I am such a character, canteen director for me just right, also have no mind to go up.

I am not like Director Li you, young and vigorous, it is a great opportunity to show hands and feet, developed in the future can not forget me ah."

He Yuzhu put the words very clear, he likes the position of canteen director, not not on the just right, his current personality is lazy, happy-go-lucky, don't want to go official career.

Plus, after a few years of storms, he didn't want to get involved in such a big thing. It was just right for a small place like a rolling mill.

Now when a small transparent, and Director Li good relations, do not have to take advantage of Director Li, usually social exchanges, it is estimated that he will not liquidate himself.

When the wind is calm, it is not the sky is high and the birds fly, the sea is wide by diving, looking for the opportunity to resign, go into the sea to do business, more freedom.

Although Director Li is a little unhappy, his purpose today is to pull what Yuzhu to his camp, did not expect this what Yuzhu is not slippery autumn, and he played a tai chi.



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