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He Yuzhu heard the name subconscious a little meng, who is this ah, immediately react, this is not the big leadership, he has been called the big leadership, heard the name also did not react.

Now He Yuzhu know today Director Li this out is what to use, originally he is heard of his relationship with the big leader ah, no wonder.

Although he did not often go to the leader's house during these times, he would go four or five times a month. They got along well with each other. They played chess and chatted, but their relationship was getting better and better.

Although he did not know what Director Li was going to do, he did not mind that he was acting like a tiger, and the people behind Director Li were of high rank.

In addition, Director Li took down Director Yang when the wind blew, and in the rolling steel mill, although it is still early, but it seems that it is time to consider this problem.

Pretend to be willing to take the opportunity to make friends seems to have said in the past, pulling the tiger's skin with a big tail Wolf, this thing he can be too familiar.

"Ah, you mean the big leader ah, he did not feel very well a few days ago, but the good conditioning, these days early good, the morning to cook at home, the big leader can also eat two bowls of rice, appetite is very good."

Director Li got the exact answer after also at ease, then feel envy envy, He Yuzhu with a hand to cook on the minister's appreciation.

Think about yourself, at the beginning for the power status, married the current wife, although the father-in-law gave him great support, he is now in a very stable position, after some time, when Lao Yang made mistakes, it is easy for him to further.

But whenever he went back to face his wife at home at night, he felt a burst of heartache, but in order to the future, he had to keep patience.



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